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tv   News  ABC  October 8, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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opened for business. this block right here that opened up first. target is scheduled to open up later as well. but the big ribbon cut something today at 4 with the mayor and other dignitaries as they kick off all the big shopping here on the east side of town. reporting live roosevelt leftwich abc2 news. 5:34 and last night's public meeting on the harbor point was canceled because of the government shut down. councilman craft was set to host a presentation by the developer to talk about what's coming for harbor point. according to the published reports ground break something on hold and rest -- ground breaking is on hold. we are told revenue at maryland live was up 58% from just a year ago. of course they added a new poker room so that would drive the traffic in. statewide you see it generated more than 65 million in the month of september alone. to put food on the table for so many families who can't
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afford it. and today the maryland food bank will be honored for that. the comptroller will present a proclamation to the maryland food bank recognizing them for continuing the work to end hunger around the state. this is coming on the heels of a very successful campaign for hunger action month. beyond by other local leaders -- joined by other local leaders the presentation will be at the food bank on heal thorp farms road. the programs helped more than 720,000 people in the state. news time is 5:36. we will be right back. we all have our little tricks.
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mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait. i don't mind, i mean it's orange crème. and when mom said bobby was too edgy... 'sup girl. i just swapped him out for tyler. 'sup girl. mom never questioned bobby again. two can play at this game. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. and everybody wins. yoplait. it is so good.
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we're switching car insurance. why? because these guys are the cheapest. why? good question. because a cut-rate price could mean cut-rate protection. you should listen to this guy. [ female announcer ] get great protection and a great price! plus an agent! drivers who switched saved an average of $498 a year. plus, allstate has new lower rates just for baltimore. switch and start saving today! just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good.
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[ female announcer ] call a baltimore area allstate agent at 866-650-7900 today. new video to show you this morning. the know fell that south dakota over the weekend. look at this. this is from rapid city where the storm brought trees down and power lines down and drivers were forced to abandon their vehicles. plows have been out in full force clearing off the streets and city officials and schools had to close yesterday. people living there they were told stay home. so i know a lot of people are waiting for winter and want to see snow this year but they can look at the video and maybe say let's hold off for a while. >> exactly. let's hold off for a while.
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maryland's most powerful radar nothing on the radar this morning in maryland. we are nice and dry as of now. we are getting a break because we had plenty of rain move through yesterday. that's not going to be e case for today. but, if you want the rain and like the rain and yes a lot of people do, you will like tomorrow because that's when the rain will push back into the area. and as the kid head out to the bus, this is what they can expect. temperatures at 52. so once we are coming off temperatures in the 70s upper 60s yesterday, it's going to feel on the chilly side this morning. we are going to be seasonable but still make sure to have the jacket for the kid and sweater because it will come in handy. going into the afternoon, the kid coming home well that temperature at the bus stop will be around 69 and it's going to be closed for today. but even 69 that's going to be a lot cooler. but, we will start to dig down even more as we go towards tonight. we are talking about temperatures around 48 degrees and a few clouds and that will continue to be in the air as we go towards tomorrow. this is what we can expect in
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terms of temperatures. 66 degrees and also we will have showers possible especially as we head towards the afternoon time frame and evening. we will stay cool and this is what we go to as we head towards thursday. 69 again with more showers in the forecast. the wet weather is going to be here for a while. break out the rain gear again tomorrow and thursday. let's check the traffic now with mike. >> reporter: all right. let's play that game what is on fire on 95 southbound past exit 74. debris. you know i don't know what it could be. it's not tying anything up. if you are in the area, let us know on twitter. all right let's look. 695 baltimore national pike thestretch of the beltway to the north and south and east and west looks good. here's 695 at liberty road. starting to crowd out the outer loop but not a big deal. north avenue at west chase street rather, it's some construction related delays this morning. look at crossing fort mchenry
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and key bridge is looking good and bay bridge looks good. tidings bren looks good. another check on traffic and weather in a little bit. we will be right back after this.
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today marks would be we go -- one week of marylanders being able to sign up for health insurance and so far it's not gone as well as state leaders hoped. as of noon yesterday more than 174,000 visited the maryland health website. just about 13,500 got through the process creating an account and of those more than 300 actually enrolled in health insurance. >> this is not the simplest program to put together. there are a lot of different components and in the end you don't know until you have a lot of people using it. >> they have the head of the state department of health and mental hygiene has not said what went wrong but did say the site is working around the clock and software updates are expected this week. lieutenant -- how tent governor anthony -- lieutenant governor anthony brown will anoun the proposal in his bid
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for governor. brown will introduce his plan at the patterson park public charter school in baltimore at one this afternoon. a judge has ruled maryland violated the constitutional rights of student at the state historically black college. a decision the judge said that the state violated the students rights by duplicating the programs at other nearby institutions. the court found the lack of unique high demand programs has segregated the on the institution and prevent the schools from attracting students of all races. this morning we are learning more about the weekend stabbing we told you about yesterday. this one happened at power plant live. kenneth corporal faces several counts of assault and use of a dangerous weapon. police say he and friends got into an argument with management over an unpaid bill ensiled a med -- inside a baltimore comedy factory. security escorted him out and
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police say that's when he stabbed two security officers and took off. both victims were treated and released from the hospital. the government shutdown is in the second week with no end in sight and there's another deadline looming. october 17th is the deadline for raising the con tray debt ceiling -- contry's debt ceiling. -- country's debt ceiling. the speaker says the funding bill cannot pass unless republicans get the changes to obama care they are demanding so the back and forth is still going on down on capitol hill. heavy rain and wind pounded the washington, d.c. area even prompting several thunderstorms and tornado warnings. in the northeast part of dc a massive branch came crashing down on the hood of the car. and the owner and his girlfriend walked away unharmed. but in other areas the storm made for plenty of close calls and columbia heights several trees were uprooted and the storm caused flight delays at regional airports and the rain also made it really tough get
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around the streets and it was pretty tricky. >> it was pretty windy and coming down pretty hard, yes. and we took a break at national cathedral and we prayed and then here we go. >> despite the intenseity of the storm it was a welcomed sight by many residents. it was scary but maybe some people were happy to see the rain. we needed it. >> that's why. yes, definitely desperately need the rain and that's what we good -- needed the rain and that's what we got. it's into the atlantic right now but part of it to the south and will work the way towards us going into tomorrow. in the meantime, we are dealing with cloud out -- clouds out there this morning that will work in here going throughout the day. but also we have high pressure building in as well. so that's going to keep us dry. in the meantime, not working with a whole lot. high pressure is in control of the weather moving from the north and west. but you can see the system down to the south. so, again, they will be fighting for position as we continue through the day. but high pressure will win out on the dry note. in terms of the cloud cover, we
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will get cloud moving in but we are going to get sunshine. so we will call it a sun cloud mix going lute tuesday. in -- going through tuesday. in terms of temperatures cooler with the cold front moving through. it's 46 right now in pylesville and 49 in eldersburg good morning towson at 550-- 50 and 57 in stevensville and cambridge at 59 and 5 # degrees in dent -- 53 degrees in denton. ab cree most accurate future trend goes into motion and -- abc's most accurate future trend goes into motion. this is the storm we are waiting for to move in tomorrow. it will bring us rain across the area. eye won't put down as much rain as the cold front yesterday but we will get more rain and we need it. good day apple picking and pumpkin picking especially if you have the day off. we have the sunshine out there and temperatures by lunchtime at 66 and the high temperature today coming in right around 69. seasonably cool and abc2 weather make sure to tweet us
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at that and this is a check of the 7-day forecast for you as we will see the showers in the forecast until friday and we dry out nicely by sunday because the ravens are playing the packers right mike. >> reporter: is that what's happening? i guess i should keep up with the schedule. >> you should. >> reporter: wow. wow that's bad. good morning. here we go. the fort mchenry tunnel some speeds sensors going down. otherwise in baltimore city we have an accident in pennington avenue and aspen street we are dealing with this crash. in fact they are reporting injuries with this one. so know we have the accident. 95 north of maryland 22 coming down 95 into the city limits we are looking good both on the north and southbound lanes and there's a couple construction related delays thus far this morning. this is 83 northbound between exit 31 and 33. also construction related delays coming down from york. sudden brook lane the right
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lane being blocked because of this. i am going regroup and sen it back to you guys. >> all right. there's coffee over there. all right. remember diana nyad the first person to swine from cuba to florida and now she is taking on a new challenge. listen to this. the 64-year-old plans to swifor 48 hours straight in a designed pool next to the same macy's store in new york city. that will be cool to see. this starts in about 3 hours. money raised will help those suffering from sandy. the ravens are encouraging kids to get active. torry smith and michael huff will take the challenge to carroll county hosting a number of events with students in hempstead and at 2 the players brandon williams and kyle will join poe and ravens chee
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leaders at essex elementary school for their play 60 event so ravens are getting involved with youth sports and activities. special honors for a all time great in football. hall of famer lenny moore gets a street named after him. today's ceremony starts at 11 at liberty senior center. 9 minutes before the hour. in dc the president is weighing in on the controversy surrounding the name of the washington redskins. many consider it offensive and want it change. members of a native american group brought the change the mascot group to washington to get rid of the name. they are making a push after the president remarked if he were the owner of the team and if that name offended a sizable group he would consider changing it. redskins fired back with their attorney listen to what he had to say. >> there should not be a name change which is not about race it's not about disrespect but loving the redskins. >> according to a poll 66% of
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dc area residents don't want to see the name changed. the nfl plans to meet with the indian tribe next month to talk about the redskins nickname. we want to know what you think about this and what the nfl is doing. and the ongoing conversation about the redskin nickname offensive or not? go to and weigh in on the conversation. new this morning, 6 cities are vying for the chance to  host the super bowl in 2018. now or liens hosted last year and they are on the list for 20 -- new orleans hosted last year and they are on the list for 2018. so league's super bowl advisory committee will pick the finalist teams and team owners selects the winter during the spring meetings in may. we will be right back. beep-bop-boop-bop boop-beep.
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[monotone] she says, "switch to progressive and you could save hundreds." call or click today. pink's favorite. i love pink. our favorite. we race for pink. introducing new raspberry 5-hour energy. from now until the end of the year, a portion of each sale benefits living beyond breast cancer, to empower women affected by breast cancer. raspberry 5-hour energy is available for a limited time
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so get yours now. i ski with pink. i can't get enough pink. come on, everyone. buy raspberry 5-hour energy benefitting living beyond breast cancer. come on, let's support pink. looks good, doesn't it?
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homeless man in seattle is offering you a chance to know ahead like to be homeless at a price. >> he says for 2,000 doars you can go undercover as homeless person and live in the city. he said he has been homeless for two months after losing his job at a web developer. he use the pb electric library as his office by day and welcome the wealthy to sleep in a hostile and live on streets and calls this his real view tour. and course that is applied to homelessness. >> you are going to become homeless and live for three days in a -- as homeless person and see how that feels. >> you know homelessness is a big problem in the seattle area. so this is a way to have people
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get a view. he says some are speaking out against him he is giving the home lease voice showing us what it may be like. >> it will be interesting to see if anyone signs up. coming up at 6, in which aisle can i find the mixed drinks? they need them right now. let it go. >> couple girls just doing some shopping. nothing much to see but wait we will show you what happened without any warning on this video. >> also a would be robber got the shock of his life when he pulled out a gun demanding the money but the clerk reached for it and something he reached for had him taking off in lightning speed. don't show us yet. is that a sword? all right. we will
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you're watching the station that works for you. now good morning maryland. >> a new place to shop officially opens today in canton. we will tell you why this is different than other plazas in the city. >> something that's routine we had the rain last night but thejoggers are out. a beautiful start to the day but it's a bit cool other than tuesday october 8th. good morning maryland i am charley crowson. >> i am megan pringle. yesterday weather was a big story and you need to be prepared again today.
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here's lynette charles. >> all right. you need to be prepared today in terms of temperatures because when you step out the door this morning in baltimore, we are 24 degrees cooler than we were this time yesterday. that's a big fall but the thing is we should be cooler because we are more seasonable this morning. this is what's going on right now in tawnytown. 43 is the temperature and 45 in glenwood. 47 in columbia and we are nice and comfortable. look at the dew point. the cold front mobbed through and dropped the temperatures down and dew points now. the wind out of the north for today. 46 degrees right now in pylesville and dew point coming in at 42. and frederick the temperature is at 48 with the dew point coming in around 43. the wind are on the light sideto call this-- at that calm this morning. we are talking 5 to 15 miles an hour. now do you need the rain gear for today? you needed it yesterday. you don't need it for today because we are dry right now and we will stay that way through the afternoon. now tomorrow, that's a different story. we will need to pull that back
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out. but in the meantime, this is what we are working with as you continue through the day. this is what to expect as you head out and about. we are talking about temperatures coming in at 54 degrees this morning. so we are talking around 8 by lunchtime we will have the mix of sun and clouds. 66 degrees and high temperatures for today going with 69 degrees. this is nice and seasonable and a mild seasonable fall afternoon. let's check the traffic now with mike. >> reporter: good morning. let's get going i apologize. not at your forecast good job. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: i promise. good morning. 695 into baltimore national pike we have a great looking morning with the commute. a couple issues. we will look at 95 north and southbound past maryland 152. looking good this morning. loading up roadways but no one is crashing a couple issues getting into penning pennington and we have a crash along here carrollton a new one up near sykesville road and river road.
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so that's a localized road. the major roadways are looking good. north side of the beltway speed around 55 miles per hour down the jfx47 miles per hour. west side beltway down towards the southeast side of the beltway with a speed around 55. north avenue at west chase street construction related delays this thus far. 695 from 95, 83 the outer loop taking len minutes. hello, megan. >> hello, mike. >> target harris teeter mission barbeque are a few of the places. new stores and new restaurants available in canton. it's been years in the making and today is the grand opening for the shop at canton crossing adding a it up of suburbia to downtown. >> reporter: on boston street near the first mariner tower, the canton crossing shopping center is going to bring some of that suburban atmosphere to
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the east side of town. the 105 million dollar shops at canton crossing is the first of its kind on this side of town. there will be 30 shops and restaurants including target and dsw shoes and old navy. there's room for a lot of small local businesses about 2/3 of the businesses have opened up with the rest opening up over the next few weeks or so. the city and the developers are hoping that this center will help bridge the gap between thegrowth of neighborhoods and families and homes in the city and the need for quality shopping. in a preview last week developers told us the shopping center will also create a lot of new jobs for city residents. >> we created a town square that will have a lot of the smaller tenants and many are local tenants like mission barbeque and jimmy john's and people like that. it was important for us because we are developing in the city and most of our projects are in the cityd


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